The Razor V


Grinding creates the rough form and the edge geometry. Honing provides sharpness. A too thin edge will bend, not cut. Honing also gives some strength to the edge. Rule: hard on soft and soft on hard.

There are many lubricants for hones, like oil, soapwater, petroleum, but it is enough when you understand how to hone on a water stone. As a razor is hard, a soft hone is best, but not with a coarse grain. It should have a natural dense surface with fine pores. Thus, it should be a combination of good cutting properties with the finest grit number. The size of a hone should be 300 x 55 mm at least; the surface being completely flat and smooth and saturated with water.

To hone, the tang is kept between index finger and thumb. The turning movement is done by rolling the tang between the fingers, without rotating the hand Excercise with a pencil. Edge leading, back trailing, both flat on the hone. Strike back and forth about seven times. Use very light pressure, slightly exceeding the weight of the blade. After that, the polishing of the edge starts, preferrably with a yellowish waterstone. This total procedure costs about eight minutes. Testing is done by detecting irregularities with the nail probe.